A security audit is a process intended to safeguard your business against theft of physical and intellectual property, and against other offences. It consists in a thorough analysis of all information on the existing security level of your business. In particular, the experts at modrakowski24.pl® Business Intelligence Agency will inspect:
- the provisions of security procedures,
- the effectiveness and actual application of security procedures,
- the effectiveness of the security staff,
- access control,
- know-how protection,
- the organisation of the sales, procurement and tendering process,
- IT system security,
- the protection of work equipment.
With due consideration for your opinion, we will analyse the data collected by our investigators and industry specialists, and present to you a detailed report containing adequate security procedures and corrective recommendations.
At modrakowski24.pl® Business Intelligence Agency, we will also implement these recommendations at your request, e.g. by installing a professional monitoring system or the necessary software.
If needed, we will also organise a security department within your organisation, which will be responsible for appropriate observation of the implemented procedures. The department will be made up of your employees, who will be verified by the experts from modrakowski24.pl® Business Intelligence Agency.
Give us a call to find out more!